They used to be small when nobody cared.
Ten years later they are the Kings & Queens of the Ticketing Hill.
In foodtrucks, workshops, mud runs, Hardwell, Hardwell and Hardwell.
In 180 countries seemless and electrifying
developing an International playbook, the Foundation.
Looking for tractions, growth and scrappy laser focused ambitious local people.
They, advice you to go International.
To grow, to go, beyond Berlin, Lima and Frisco
cause these cities are so 2015.
They, urge Amsterdam
and you’ve made it so far.
The ticket eagle has landed,
Eventbrite is here to stay.
Ramona Maramis- Het Aapje©2016
This freestyle poem was inspired by the 12 minutes talk held by Elsita Meyer-Brandt (Head of International Expansion, Eventbrite), at the Amsterdam Eventbrite office launch party, Wednesday May 11th 2016.